v0.67.1 Release notes

-using GM_version instead of macro to track versioning
-skills now have damage types
-some enemies are hardened against a certain damage type
-instead of going to idle after being frozen or knocked back, enemies will immediately continue chase
-fixed an issue with Malachi's casting animation speed
-skills now have a small tooltip showing the type of damage they do
-skills can be activated by clicking on them
-cleaned up obsolete assets
-leaving an area with a boss will reset the boss to full health and to his spawn place
-hopefully solved a very rare issue where enemies wouldn't look at Malachi
-small chance of encountering conquerors, stronger enemies who give a guaranteed epic or legendary drop
-cleaned up tree tileset
-new asset bush
-tweaked enemy ai a bit, they will no longer keep eyes on you through walls..
-ai makes smoother turns now
-meteors no longer explode when landing in water, lava, ravine sky..
-tweaked some assets in regards to blocking projectiles
-filled in some missing tiles in the second area
-fixed enemy stat spawning bug
-fixed bug where dropping equipped weapons or relics would not decrease stats
-in 3rd area there was a bit too much space blocked around rift


Malachi.zip 44 MB
Aug 15, 2022

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